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tv   ABC7 News 1100AM  ABC  June 24, 2013 11:00am-11:31am PDT

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>> live from the kgo-tv broadcast center this is abc7 news. >> live doppler 7 hd showing the lull between storms for most of us. the rain we had earlier has moved out but another system is poised to move in. good morning, i am eric thomas. our meteorologist, lisa, is here for mike nicco. lisa? >> we have a bit of a lull. look that is offshore: in the northbound off the sonoma coast we have light rain toward santa rosa.
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and we take you further to the east bay, there is mist and drizzle around 680 right now. the roadways have been slick all morning. off the coast right here we have a few light showers. here is the break this the afternoon. we have a last system here that will continue to slide south and bring more rain tonight and tomorrow. this could be a record breaker because we only receive about .16" for june, and up to 1.5" in some areas. >> cloud cover is causing major delays at sfo and not only problems in the air. kira klapper has more on how the weather is affecting the runways and the roadways. >> good morning to you. sfo is under a ground delay program all day. that means they are cutting in half the number arrivals they can take. look at the board behind me,
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most arrives are up to two hours delay. departures, also, will be delayed by an hour. some flights will be canceled outright. 14 flights so far have been canceled this morning. the bay area summer level which is dreary with low level clouds and wins and rain are putting a cutting arrives in half. >> the level of the cloud is so low rather than landing 60 aircraft an hour, at this moment we are only allowed to land 30. >> passengers departing sfo should expect delays of an hour as the ground delay program is in effect until 1:00 tonight. >> we are recommending that passengers call their airline before coming to the airport. >> elsewhere, the fog blanketing the golden gate bridge. san francisco city hall felt light morning rain. the tennis courts and sidewalks signaled how many feel about this but some locals live for
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this. >> it is raining. >> you love it? >> i like it here. no question. >> randy is enjoying a latte and a long walk along the pier after returning from two months in bali in time for a true san francisco. >> i have lived here almost 20 years and i am you have comfortable with the surroundings. i don't go out without my jacket >> back here atdeparting flights are likely delayed an hour but the majority of travelers who are affected today are those coming to the bay area, landing at sfo. the good news for those traveling through oakland and san jose, those flights from both airports are all on time. >> switching gears, with every passing day anticipation is building more for the supreme court ruling on california's same-sex marriage ban proposition 8. it did not happen today but the
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court could issue a decision any day this week. abc7 news reporter is in san francisco. what do you hear, cornell? >> we hear that the waiting is almost over. the supreme court did not deliver a decision today. we are told it could happen tomorrow. that is the next day it will render decisions. san francisco, of course, led the battle for marriage equality. what the supreme court will decide and when it will decide has been a nailbiter for everyone watching, especially san francisco city attorney who sued the state of california nine years ago to legalize gay marriage. >> we have been involved in this for quite some time before six different courts, six different judges in both state and firm forum. we are anxious and hopeful and confident that marriage will be available starting in california in short order. >> first the high court must
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rule. there are three possible outcomes: upholding prop 8, strike it down or invalidate it saying there is no legal standing over an appeals court ruling calling prop 8 unconstitutional. >> tired of waiting. >> frederick was hoping a ruling would come today. he wants the right to get married. >> in my country, pass, they passed the gay marriage in france so i am happy and we had a lot of riots but we did it. >> with only days before pride weekend in san francisco, many hope a supreme court will bring change. >> been marching for gay rights for 40 years, and it is about time. >> the ruling could happen on wednesday or thursday and if it is stuck down the city attorney says weddings could happen in 25 days across state. >> stay with abc7 news for
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coverage of the supreme court decision on air and on-line. we will bring you the difficults when they happen on twitter, facebook, and our new abc7 news app and, of course, right here on abc7 news. >> new this morning the supreme court has sent a texas case on affirmative action to a lower court at 7-1, leashing unsettled basic questions of the continued use of race as factor in college admission. the court says a federal appeals court needs to subject the university of texas admission plan to the highest level of judicial scrutiny. >> to people were taken to the hospital after a car crash along van ness avenue in san francisco. this green sedan jumped the curb and knocked over a street clock on the sidewalk with two people including the driver of the car were taken to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries. police are investigating what caused the car to veer on to the sidewalk. >> new this morning, two of the biggest unions representing bart workers are suing the transit
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agency for unfair labor practices. officials plan to file a lawsuit today against bart in alameda county superior court claiming that the elected board is refusing to bargain in good faith which is a violation of state law. the contract expires on sunday and. the strike authorization is scheduled if today. bart has not soon the lawsuit but says it is negotiating in good faith with all of the employee unions. >> happening today, federal and local officials are gathering today to celebrate more than 1,300 acres of land being transferred from the navy to alameda which used to be the naval air station. the ceremony will include a congresswoman and alameda mayor at 2:00 this afternoon at the end of main street. the navy closed the base in 1997 because of budget cuts. >> novato police department is trying to figure out a mystery this morning after a locked safe was found sitting on a street.
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police do not know if the safe was stolen or abandoned and it was curb side on hamilton drive at midnight, police are checking recent reports of break-ins and where other law enforcement agencies and investigators have in idea what is in the safe and no plans to open it. >> developing news, n.s.a. leaker edward snowden remains on the run. the american fugitive was expected to fly from russia to cuba but never showed up for the flight to cuba. >> edward snowden was booked on the flight from russia to cuba today but despite checking in, twice, edward snowden never boarded the flight. the plane pulled away from the gate an associated press reporter sent this picture of edward snowden's empty seat. the former n.s.a. contractor charged with theft and espionage fled hong kong yesterday carrying four laptop reportedly filled with u.s. government secrets. >> i had access to everyone
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working at n.s.a., the entire intelligence community, offhand, undercover assets. >> officials are concern about russia and china getting their hands on the materials. >> he places hip self above the law and there are very serious simplifications in that. >> the u.s. government is putting pressure on foreign governments to arrest edward snowden and the russian news agency is reporting this morning that the united states asked russia to detain him and officials remain very frustrated. snowden was allowed to fly out of hong kong to russia. >> we expect the russian government to look at the option s available to expel mr. snowden back to the united states. >> snowden's united states passport was not revoked until saturday too late to prevent escape from hong kong with the government saying snowden was allowed to leave because of problems with the united states extradition request but official say that is not the case and several days went by before hong kong raised an issue. by the time they did, snowden was gone.
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>> today ecuador foreign minister said snowden is at the airport in now and wikileaks leader said snowden was given a refugee passport by ecuador. >> doctors are keeping close watch on former south africa president mandela in critical condition. doctors say the 94-year-old is deteriorating. doctors are ensuring his well-being and comfort. he has been hospitalized since june will. he played a crucial role in the transition from white minority rule under apartheid to multiracial democracy in 1994. >> the murder trial of george zimmerman begins today with opening sames underway. this is new video from inside the courtroom where george zimmerman is the former florida neighborhood watch volunteer who says he shot and killed 17-year-old trayvon martin in self-defense. the prosecution says that the teen did nothing to threaten jobsy and accused him of
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unjustly profiling and killing martin sparking debate about race and gun laws in the issue. the six fee nail jurors will be sequestered for the entire duration. >> another dreamliner diverted. first there were battery problems and now an issue with an oil filter and now the latest problem with the airplane. still ahead a popular restaurant damaged by fire re-opens
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>> in santa cruz a man was killed in a crash on highway 17. the accident happened shortly before 6:00 this morning. c.h.p. says the driver veered off the wet road and hit a tree. there were no other cars involved in the crash but it shut down the off-ramp for 2 1/2 hours. >> in colorado a massive wildfire burning in the son part of the state keeps growing. it now has burned 114 square miles. the wind is making the fight difficult. it could last through tomorrow. fire officials fear several resort towns in the fire's path are a lot of cause. >> new this morning, more problems for boeing 787 dreamliner, a united flight from houston to denver was forced to turn add when the pilots received a light indicating a brake problem of the united flight 94 made an emergency landing and is being checked out, the third flight diversion for 787 in a week of the entire throat was grounded in january
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following battery issues on some flights. >> and now our forecast? >> we have a lot of great sky, and still a file showers and a look outside in the bay bridge, with the lowering skies and maybe a few showers but more rain. the last of it is coming in overnight with the details next. >> still ahead on abc7 news, are you barely making end's meet? listen up, a study finds you are not alone and most people are cash strapped
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>> covering foam, palo alto, north bay and all the bay area this is abc7 news. >> a world renowned restaurant in berkeley just re-opened three months after a devastating fire. chez panisse opened at 11:00 this morning to the delight of customers. we are told they are booked for dinner all week. in march, the famed restaurant was damaged by an electrical short and the front section had to be rebuilt. the menu today is shell fish soup and wild fennel ice cream.
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>> regulators are keeping tahoe blue moving ahead with new rules and strategy to protect the clarity of the mountain lake. a goal is to reduce the amount of sediment from neighborhood run off by 30 percent over 15 years. in the 60's the waters were so clear you could see to 100' but run off and algae has reduced the clarity to 75' because of development. a survey released finds the majority of americans are living paycheck to paycheck. three quarters of americans have little to no emergency savings and savings have barely change the past three years despite more people reporting an increase in job security. why aren't americans saving more? a second survey finds americans simply do not have enough money left after paying for monthly expenses. we saw the rain with more on the way. >> that is right and it is only in the 50's in oakland and san francisco so it is cool and with
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all the clouds there are still a few left over rain showers. this is a loop since early morning with the waves moisture so the first one only brought about .04" at the bay and another batch of rain moving to the forth bay so we have rain in santa rosa, highway one, west to bodega bay and point reyes. more is on the way. in the east bay, there is a light rain shower and south to 680 and pleasant hill. in the south we are drying out from the peninsula to south bay. from the roof camera you can see all the cloud cover and the numbers will be cool, even with the moisture out there. we will just struggle to make it in the low 60's for some neighborhoods and 63 in mountain rue and only 55 at half moon bay and low clouds and trying to get
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pictures this morning with a last them fogged in. this is lake tahoe and temperatures are in the mid-50's and a high of just 58 in the sierra nevada and low 60's for santa rosa and 64 is the warm spot, in livermore and los gatos and another four or five degrees of warming and from emeryville you can see how overcast it is. clouds this afternoon, more rain overnight and we will look at the rain continuing into tomorrow morning's commute, with scattered showers in the afternoon, and by wednesday, it is all over with lots of sunshine and building high pressure. we are looking at this last system to come in and with it there is a little more dynamic or lift. that is what we need to squeeze out the moisture. this morning we did not have that. we had the moisture but the rain was not falling. throughout the rest of the day we are quiet. here we are overmight and we have heavy rain, santa rosa and cloverdale, and overnight hours continue to see light spotty showers and, then, at 7:00 tomorrow morning, at the commute
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it will be wet again on the peninsula and the east bay, it continues to move through the afternoon and scattered showers at 2:00 tomorrow with the evening commute better, and still talking about from half an inch to 1.5" at north bay, and .1" if you lucky in the south bay. the week ahead, it is cool new but tomorrow we will be in the 70's and climbing into and away the 80-degree mark the rest of the week. today, the numbers are cool with the clouds, at 67 if we are lucky in palo alto and 68 in san jose. overnight lows, with all the moisture and the rain on the way, mid-50's. another rainy day, warming begins and 90's for the rest of the work week and the weekend. so, abc7 news has another great weather resource for you, following live doppler 7 hd for
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the latest. >> back to summer later this week the. >> we will get there. >> we have a new abc7 news smartphone app to keep you on top of the latest breaking news, weather and traffic. it is easy to move gate and look. you can use it to watch our newscast and breaking news on the go. you can watch breaking news as it happens and the app is easy to download, go to abc7 news/app for the details. if you have our current app you have to download the new app because the old app will go away. the morning pick me up at starbucks will cost more reagans the price on the most popular drinks including coffees, teas, lattes and espressos going up 1 percent. the prices will not go up on the cold coffees. tomorrow they will post calorie
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counts for all of the food items, something many stores already do. next on abc7 news, is it the perfect prank? or supernatural? what could make an ancient statue move by itself? >> if you like me and up all night we have the show for you, you lend how for fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer so you can stop being so tired all the time. pluses find
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>> coming up at 4:00, a sacramento finally gets a letter from his dad with wrote it 70
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years ago. on abc7 news at 5, graffiti clean up in one bay area city is now on hold for an odd reason. >> this is like a scene from a night at museum. why is a 4,000-year-old statue spinning around if a circumstance cell? workers are scratching their head avid yes shows an ancient relic spinning on its own. it was recorded over a few days and sped up. this is not a one time deal but it has been happening for months although it is locked in the glass case. we don't know what is causing it.
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[dramatic music] ♪ [cheers and applause] >> hi, lady. [smooch] good seeing you. [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause continue] >> hello, everybody, and welcome to millionaire. joining me today is a real do-gooder who says a lot of the money she wins today is gonna be used to help people in need. from belleville, new jersey, please welcome michele monica. hey, michele. [cheers and applause] michele, you really are a very special lady. i want to share with this audience some of the things that you do on a regular basis. you give bags of to veterans. to veterans. you donate turkeys and hams every holiday. you buy extra food every week to give to the food pantry. to


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